Sunday, March 23, 2014

The Guy Who Makes Things Easy

My life looks very fragmented to most people.  When I coach other business owners, they look at me and ask how I am telling them to do one thing, and I do so many things.

The first part of the answer is simple, for work (aka the income side of my life) I do one thing, I make things easy.  Flying, Acting, Marketing, Business Coaching, it doesn't matter.  The one thing I do is make things easy.  Everything else, music, surfing, auto racing, running, etc are just hobbies.

I wish I could say I came to this realization all by myself, but I can't.  I have a whole slew of coaches and mentors that helped me figure out and drive my "one thing".  Don't confuse this with Gary Keller's book "The One Thing".

Gary's book is an excellent tool for getting things done.  Do one thing at a time.  Bridges are built one piece at a time.  Homes are build one piece at a time.  Humans aren't genuinely capable of multi tasking, and Gary figured it out the hard way.  My method is to break things down into small steps.  Gary asks "What is the one thing we need to do today to keep moving forward?"

In the context of life and business, one thing is that underlying theme.  Frank Kern frames it very well when he says it this way.  An emcee is going to introduce you to a room of 1000 people.  What does he say about you? That is your one thing.

I am the guy who makes things easy.  It isn't a skill that just anyone can pick up, but you can learn it.  It will take guidance,  practice and support.  That is what we are here for, and why we are now writing more "Easy Guides".

I should have seen this a lot sooner, but we get so busy doing our "thing" we sometimes can't even see it.  It took a couple of coaches to help me see it clearly.  Now, I want you to enjoy life more by making it easy too and finding your one thing.

So what will the emcee say about you?